Smart Molding International 1-2020
mold design 21 2). This imbalance is caused by the asymmetrical geometry of the screw in the cap area of the tube and leads to a force, which tends to deform the core pins during the fi lling of the cavity. Due to the lower module of elas ti city of 420 stainless steel, pins made of this steel are deformed about 3 ti mes more com- pared to the pins made of tungsten carbide (Figure 1). The described case is just an example of the many details of an injec ti on mold, which can get misplanned during the mold design phase. SIGMASOFT ® Virtual Molding provides even the most experienced mold manufacturers with a detailed insight of the injec ti on molding process. With a very low e ff ort and based only on the thermophysi- cal and mechanical phenomena, even before ordering the mold units, they can examine and evaluate the e ff ect of changes in the mold. Thus, simula ti on provides a sound basis for decisions and supports the mold design from the beginning. SIGMA Engineering www.sigmaso ft .de FIGURE 1 – Simulative comparison of the deformation of core pins made of tungsten carbide (left) and 420 stainless steel (right) at the end of the filling of the cavity – the material with the lower modulus of elasticity deforms three times more under constant process conditions FIGURE 2 – Demonstration of the melt pressure in two cavities with core pins made of tungsten carbide (left) and 420 stainless steel (right) – The upper section shows the point in filling where the imbalance is visible for the first time. At the end of filling (lower section) this phenomena can be seen clearly More news at