Smart Molding International 1-2021
36 smart_molding international 1/2021 IML & IMD O ne opinion: it is both frighten - ing and painful to know that this can happen - pandemic every century, the last one in 1918 i.e. the Spanish flu with over 20 mil - lion dead and now the Corona pan - demic. Not to forget SARS 2002, 2008 and 2013! Corona 2019 changes many things, moves many things – also for the sensible and useful? People reflect more on what is valuable in life. One example: people have to avoid contact, especially in everyday working life. Robot manufacturers are taking their way of thinking forward here: where a human being can be spared danger - ous, unsafe, tiresome and monotonous work, the automatic hand must come into action. Conclusion: machines at work, no human being in sight. Man develops and controls in the back - ground. How a robot manufacturer in Italy is getting organized in these times could set a benchmark. You have an application that requires the use of robots. You want to have your own picture (and not a digital one) of functions, price-performance ratio etc. So you want to take the op - portunity to explore in real time and on site what your potential equipment partner has to offer in terms of IML, IMD, insert-placing, pick & place, logis - tics and handling, parts assembly, pal - letizing, cartoning, packaging, quality control and comprehensive comput - erisation. After all, a lot of money is at stake. Campetella Robotic Center (CRC) has Open House – 1 October to mid- November 2020, so you register by email, you receive a confirmation and a QR code. The journey through half of Italy ends at CRC in Montecassiano. In the lobby you look into a monitor - ing device for body temperature and mask. Short stop at the disinfection liquid dispenser. The registration dis - play confirms your QR code. You sign it and you are directed to the workshop. Everything is well-organized and as far as possible Corona-safe. Your personal CRC partner will explain the procedure to you as a member of a small group of visitors guided according to a given plan. As the CRCmanagement explains, these measures are based on the need to do everything possible to ensure that visitors receive the best possible care and information without harm. A glance through the panoramic win - dow on the first floor directs the eye down to the new 3D printing facility, Trade visitors were given an opportunity to explore economic IML solutions and new developments presented in an industrially realistic way. Campetella's real Open House All photos: Campetella