Smart Molding International 1-2024

36 smart_molding international 1/2024 measuring technologies ABB identifies new frontiers for robotics and AI in 2024 From mobile robots and cobots to enabling new robotic applications in new sectors and creating new opportunities for people to learn and develop, these new frontiers for AI are redefining the future of industrial robotics. M arc Segura, President ABB Robotics Division, identi- fies three drivers for robotics-driven AI solutions in 2024, as ABB continues expansion in new seg- ments not previously served by robotic automation. “The coming year will see a growing focus on the critical role of AI,” said Marc Segura, President ABB Robotics Division. “From mobile robots and cobots to enabling new robotic applications in new sectors and creating new opportunities for people to learn and develop, these new frontiers for AI are redefining the future of industrial robotics.” 1) AI will drive new levels of autonomy in robotic applications Accelerating progress in AI is redefining what is possible with industrial robotics. AI is enhancing everything from robots’ ability to grip, pick and place as well as their ability to map and navigate through dynamic environments. Frommobile robots to cobots and beyond, AI is giving robots unprecedented levels of speed, accuracy, and payload carrying ability, enabling them to take on more tasks in settings like flexible factories, warehouses, logistics centers and laboratories. “AI-enabled mobile robots can transform sectors like discrete manufacturing, logistics and laboratories,” said Segura. “Robots equipped with ABB’s new Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (Visual SLAM) technology, for example, have advanced mapping and navigation skills, granting new levels of autonomy, while greatly reducing the infrastructure needed by previous generations of guided robots. This paves the way for a shift from linear production lines to dynamic networks, creating significant efficiencies and taking on more dull, dirty and dangerous tasks, to enable workers to take up more rewarding jobs.” 2) AI will see robots enter new sectors The potential offered by AI-enabled robotics is influencing sectors far beyond manufacturing. In 2024, these technologies are expected to bring substantial efficiency improvements to more dynamic environments, such as healthcare and life sciences, as well as retail. Another example is the construction industry, where AI-powered robotics can make a material contribution to boosting productivity, enhancing safety and sustainable construction practices while spurring growth. “The construction industry is a great example of a sector where AI-powered robots will prove transformative, delivering ABB AMR in factory with Visual SLAM navigation (all pictures: ABB)