Smart Molding International 2-2020

35 machinery ably easy to install or remove rapidly. The nozzle tips can be easily replaced or maintained in the cold condition directly on the machine without dis - assembling the mold. First, the nozzle body is installed in the fixed-side (hot half) mold plate, and the nozzle tips are then inserted into the cavity. This pro - cedure also offers the advantage of ac - commodating undivided mold inserts. Uniform temperature distribution Thermoplay sets high standards in the area of temperature homogene - ity. That is why special emphasis was given to the heating design in devel - oping the new side-gate thermal noz - zle. Without exception, all patented heating elements are developed and manufactured by Thermoplay using their proven in-house process. Direct connection delivers cost savings Direct side-gating means no sprue is necessary, which eliminates the costs and efforts related to the removal of the sprue from the molded part for disposal or recycling. Direct side-gat - ing without a sprue provides genuine added value to the processor in terms of efficiency and handling. Easy handling & safe production The thermal side-gate TFS-Linear and TFS-Radial nozzles from Thermoplay simplify planning, design, and mainte - nance of compact molds. These noz - zles reflect the Thermoplay philosophy of supplying demanding mold makers with products that are efficient, safe, and easy to use. Thermoplay A 16-cavity mold with two TFS-Linear with 4+4 injection points (© Thermoplay) Get news updates and magazine alerts Submit your e-mail to subscribe free Model of a 16-cavity tool with two TFS-Linear nozzles with 4+4 injection points (© Thermoplay)