Smart Molding International 2-2021

IML & IMD 27 mation technology can be seen in an extension behind the assembly hall in industrially realistic operation. They la - bel yoghurt cups or fresh cheese tubs with maximum speed and precision. An X-Series Mini-MODULA compact side-entry robot from Campetella is used for IML (In-Mould-Labelling) of plastic yoghurt cups made of polypro - pylene (PP). The robot is equipped with a quick and compact horizontal arm, responsible for very fast label insert - ing and product take-out operations. A tilting axis guarantees a hygienic process which ends with the cups be - ing stacked upside down with their openings on the conveyor belt. An ad - ditional advantage of the Mini-MODU - LA is its extremely small footprint. As if that was not enough, it cooperates with the new X-Series CO1 Cartesian robot. Its electric servo axis is the right hand to move the stacks of cups from the conveyor to a storage box. An Om - ron AMR (autonomous mobile robot) takes care of transporting the boxes to the finished goods warehouse. Full to the warehouse ... empty back to the belt! The entire system is a four-cavity application with a total cycle time of no more than 2.45 seconds. The IMM interlock time is 0.48 seconds only. The two Campetella robots work hand in hand, thereby serving an Arburg All - rounder 570 H hybrid injection mould - ing machine (an IMM with a clamping force of 1800 kN) and the inherent four-cavity mould from Simon, France, respectively. The renowned Italian la - bel manufacturer Viappiani is respon - sible for the "L" in the IML. Cup coef - ficients: height = 43 mm, diameter top = 73 mm, weight = 4 grams. The utilization of the labelling dum - mies (produced in the new 3D printing centre) is a decisive criterion for the process speed. They hold the labels by the fact that the pins, which are charged with 12,000 volts, polarize (magnetize) the plastic foil labels and thus position them accurately. Once they reach the cavity far less than a second later, the labels are stabilized by compressed air to ensure a perfect fit before being back-moulded with the plastic material to form the cup or tub. An X-Series MODULA high-speed side-entry robot fromCampetella is the top solution for labelling plastic cheese spread tubs in Bazigos' four-cavity mould. Four Mevisco cameras monitor the product quality inline and continu - ously. A very fast label feeder with servo drive is used on the robot, which man - ages the 5-sided Viappiani labels. Here again, the tilting axis performs hygienic upside down stacking of the tubs on the conveyor belt. With its high payload reachability an X-Series SPIN3 Scara* robot grips the labelled stacks and quickly deposits them in a transport box. Finally, another Omron AMR is in charge of storing the boxes filled with cheese spread tubs in the warehouse. The entire automation system is used in and on an Arburg 630 H hybrid in - jection moulding machine (IMM) with a clamping force of 2300 kN. Labelling takes place within a 3.25-second cycle and/or an IMM interlock time of only 0.9 seconds. The polypropylene (PP) rawmaterial treatment is carried out by Moretto ancillary equipment together with the centralized cooling systems for the event. Product parameters: length = 132mm, width = 89mm, height = 33 mm, weight = 7.55 grams. Performance at Pole Position "We have spent the past months bringing new robot developments to se - ries production readiness," explains Elia Campetella, who is currently in charge of the family company, "The focus is on precision, speed, versatility, reliability, application-specific programmability and safety." "Safety First!", adds Marco Marconi, "this is an indispensable part of the 45 Campetella Calling days: 40 registered guests per day, obligatory masks, social distancing, reserved seats and more - to protect our guests and our own teams." Campetella IML – cream cheese tubs The integrated system