Smart Molding International 2-2022
27 machinery ‘Industry Solutions’ blends automation concepts developed specifically for the automotive, consumer and electronic industries with automation solutions created by partners for special pack- aging and medical applications. Lastly, ‘Customized Automation’ that is based on concepts developed by regional ex- perts located across automation com- petence centres spanning Europe, Asia and America. Setting the sustainability example Presenting a total of eight full-electric machines under the ‘Act! Sustainably’ slogan at the revered Dusseldorf show, four will be showcased on the Sumi- tomo (SHI) Demag stand and a further four at the VDMA’s Circular Economy Area, Sepro, ONI and Pagès. Additionally, the company’s web- based software solution ‘myConnect’ plays a central role in presenting critical data and decision making information in real time. “Looking to the future, all new machines will be equipped with this central platform, which offers a wide range of fully networked support services. It’s now been extended to also include conditionmonitoring. Addition- ally, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag is driving the digitisation and implementation of AI-supported systems through to an IoT platform that combines all functions," states Dr Thümen. In his presentation at the K-Preview, the Senior Director Technology pre- sented the individual exhibits, high- lighting special technological features and disclosed more application-spe- cific information. More details were promised to the public in the run up to the international trade show. Venturing to sum up the strategic outlook, notwithstanding the aggre- gate effects of global economic un- certainties, Dr Thümen announced: "Our strategic ambition is to be an in- ternational system provider respected for our industry-oriented application expertise, with a European focus," he announced. The company’s global positioning and associated strength should provide the basis for this. Drawing upon the synergies between the individual plants in Germany (Schwaig/Wiehe), China (Ningbo) and Japan (Chiba). He used the hydraulic series Systec XL to put this into context. Citing that delivery times in Europe should dras- tically reduce, customers in Asia get access to previously unavailable ma- chines andmarket penetration in South America increases. With the all-electric IntElect series, the strategic direction remains stead- fast. Standard applications will con- tinue to have orders fulfilled in Chiba. For industry orientated and customised solutions, the IntElect machines will be manufactured in Germany. Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Plastics Machinery GmbH Sumitomo (SHI) Demag has shaped the development of the plastics indus- try from its very beginning. As a spe- cialist for injection moulding machines for plastics processing, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag and its Japanese parent company are leading the industry. The global development and production network of Sumitomo Heavy Industries and Sumitomo (SHI) Demag is com- prised of four facilities in Japan, Ger- many and China with more than 3,100 employees. The product portfolio in- cludes all-electric, hydraulic and hy- brid injection moulding machines with clamping forces of between 500 kN to 15,000 kN. With more than 154,000 installed machines, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag is present in important global markets and ranks among the largest manufacturers of injection moulding machines in the world. In addition to injection moulding machines, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag offers customised and standardized systems for the part handling auto- mation, technical and process solu- tions for special applications, tailored services and service concepts as well as a range of financial options to sup- port investment in injection moulding machines. Sumitomo (SHI) Demag