Smart Molding International 3-2021
additive manufacturing 19 was around 20 times higher than 3D printing. “To increase the added value: gener - ating low costs, and without generat - ing high delivery times. We paid off the investment very quickly.” – Enric Ridao, Trim & Chassis Manufacturing Kaizen Engineer at Nissan Motor Ibérica Zona Franca, Barcelona. “When we started in 2014, for the first simple tool we wanted to print we were offered costs of around 400€ for machining. Instead, we did it here on our factory premises and with 3 tools we had already amor - tized the machine.” Taking matters into their own hands Nissan’s centre around innova - tion led the team to create 3D print - ing program Observers 4.0 across all Nissan shops in Barcelona. In 2014, the team took it upon themselves to gain a deeper understanding of 3D printing technology, by firstly participating in a RepRapBCN workshop, the origins of which would later become BCN3D. “With the objective not only to introduce this technology in Nissan Motor Ibèrica, but to empower our staff in this technology.” – Carlos Rel - lán Martínez. After the team demonstrated the worth of the BCN3D machines, Nissan followed up with a Sigmax printer and later a small farm. The 3D printing de - sign process proved to be easier, the Independent Dual Extrusion System (IDEX) allowed the team to work twice as fast, doubling their productivity, and the printers remained reliable over long print jobs. “The performance achieved in terms of reliability has been excellent.” – Car - los Rellán Martínez. The Nissan team at the factory in Barcelona differs from other car manu - facturers through their dynamism and capability of assembling many different car models in one facility. They took their time to gather in-depth knowl - edge on the 3D printing process, and have been able to use the innovative technology to their advantage as a result. Skilled at customizing tools for their specific needs, not only to save time and cut costs, but to improve the ergonomy of the work stations and the health of the workers as well, proves Nissan’s trailblazing work and the ma - turity of the 3D printing process. To be trusted by the Nissan team as their way of doing so, and be held to such a high standard, gives BCN3D printers a seri - ous amount of brownie points. Saving time and money with 3D printing really is something that any manufacturer can achieve by putting its mind to it! BCN3D Dynamic implementation of 3D printed tools, jigs and fixtures in assembly lines (Pictures: BCN3D, Nissan) Just three examples of 3D printed tools, jigs and fixtures applications in Nissan assembly lines