Smart Molding International 3-2022
50 simulation & software smart_molding international 3/2022 O n K 2022 in Duesseldorf (October19-26 2022) SIGMA Engineering GmbH presents the evolution of SIGMASOFT®. The new version 6.0 has a completely fresh user interface and beside other new features now also contains the possibility to analyze the traditional Compression Molding ofelastomers. Until now, simulative mold and pro- cess design were limited mainly to modern injection molding technol- ogy. SIGMASOFT® has already been utilizedsuccessfully by leading elasto- mers processors, and their desire to also simulate the older processes was voiced many times. The industrial sig- nificance of Compression and Transfer Molding remains high, as safety and precision parts are also manufactured using these processes. The use of high-qualitymaterials makes a better process understanding and in advance optimization through simulation even more desirable. The simulationalso al- lows for a secure evaluation of curing degree and process-cycle data. Issues such as the quantity, shape, weight, and position of the preforms can also be optimized easily. This allows to im- prove the quality of the molded parts while reducing the material usage - without cumbersome and costly series of trials. In SIGMASOFT®, all thermal in- fluences on the component and in the mold, from the smallest screw to the energy loss of the mold over several cycles, can be viewed in detail during the simulation of compression mold- ing.This makes thermal optimizations or improvements on cycle time easy. “It sounds easy, but implementation was quitecomplex”, explains SIGMA CTO Timo Gebauer: “The challenge is, that the cavity, or the room where we otherwise inject into, constantly changes during the closing of the mold. At the same time, the inserted preforms are already heating up, and are plasticizing and deforming. This development would not have passed the finish line without continuous ad- vice and validation through our cus- tomers.” About SIGMA Since 1998, SIGMA Engineering GmbH has been driving the devel- opment of the injection molding process with its simulation solution SIGMASOFT® Virtual Molding. This virtual injection molding machine enables the optimization and de- velopment of polymer components and molds as well as the mapping of the entire production process. The SIGMASOFT® Virtual Molding tech- nology combines the parts 3D geom- etries with its tooling and tempera- ture control system and integrates the parameters of the production process. This ensures a cost-efficient and resource-saving production as well as high-performance products - from the first shot. SIGMASOFT® Virtual Molding inte- grates a multitude of process-specific models including 3D simulation tech- nologies that have been developed and validated over decades and are being continuously optimized. The SIGMA Solution Service and Develop- ment team support customers specific goals with application solutions. The software company SIGMA offers ap- plication engineering, training, direct sales and support. A software straight from its developers and designers to be a solution service to polymer en- gineeringall over Europe. SIGMA Engineering GmbH, headed by Managing Director Thomas Klein, has subsidiaries in the USA, Brazil, Singapore, China, India, Korea and Turkey. In addition, SIGMA supports its users worldwide in a variety of in- ternational companies and research institutions with its Virtual Molding technology. SIGMA Compression Molding is completely transparent On K 2022, SIGMA Engineering presents the new version 6.0 of SIGMASOFT® Virtual Molding. Besides the reworked intuitive user interface one highlight is the introduction of simulative Compression Molding. It allows to zoom into the production processin every location, anytime and in any cycle. Examples include the thermal influence of the open mold, during preparation and while preforms are positioned – or to analyze plastification and curing of theelastomer in detail. The view of the mold when opening: left, when closing: right. Thermal influences in the mold seen from the outside: above, from the center: below (picture: SIGMA)