Smart Molding International 4-2021

machinery 24 smart_molding international 4/2021 T he invention and use of plastic have brought great convenience to people's daily life. In com - parison with metal, stone, and wood, plastic products feature low cost and high plasticity, and are widely used in the national economy. But have you noticed that under the policy of plas - tic restriction and plastic ban, plastic has undergone great changes, includ - ing biodegradable plastic straws for bubble tea stores, and biodegradable lunch boxes for takeouts? This phenomenon is due to the in - creasingly alarming problem of plastic pollution in the environment. Non- biodegradable plastic waste poses a huge environmental safety hazard. As China’s environmental policies become stricter, plastic pollution pre - vention and treatment are expected to be strengthened and Taiwan's plastic product demand is gradually shifting to biodegradable materials which are more eco-friendly. In recent years, the dynamic de - mand for plastic products and the development of new biodegradable materials have propelled the technol - ogy of the injection molding machine industry towards high precision, high efficiency, low energy consumption, environmental safety, and intelli - gence. Downstream industries stimulate new demand to promote the steady development of injection molding machine industry Injection molding machine is an im - portant general manufacturing equip - ment in the industrial field. In the downstream of the injection mold - ing machine industry, the prevalence of 5G products; 3C home appliances with precision and lightweight; and automobile weight reduction towards lightweight are the overall trend of each industry, which will greatly spur the demand for plastic. On the one hand, the growth of the industrial output value of plastic prod - ucts directly drives the demand for in - jectionmolding machines; on the other hand, the changing demand for plastic products and the R&D of plastic materi - als prompt the technology of injection molding machine manufacturers to innovate and develop, leading to new demand growth points, thus promoting the development of injection molding machine manufacturing industry. Domestic substitution process speeds up, dual cycle promotes the upgrading of the traditional manufacturing industry Along with the decline of the demo - graphic dividend, the trend of machine substitution in has picked up speed, triggering the transformation and up - grading of the manufacturing industry and ushering in dividends in the gen - eral machinery industry. Internal circulation drives consump - tion and industrial upgrading. China’s demand for high-end machinery and equipment has been growing. Coupled with policy support and financial secu - rity, the vast space of China’s high-end market is expected to boost the up - grade of domestic general machinery, In recent years, the dynamic demand for plastic products and the development of new biodegradable materials have propelled the technology of the injection molding machine industry towards high precision, high efficiency, low energy consumption, environmental safety, and intelligence. FCS pursues the target of carbon neutrality in the injection molding machine market