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Netstal wins Best injection molding machines award

Netstal wins Best injection molding machines award

News 05.04.2019

Netstal has been awarded the title of "Best injection molding machine" at the 2019 Manufacturing and Packaging Awards from Global Health and Pharma. The awards ceremony honors the innovative capability of the medical packaging industry in more than 50 categories.
Best Injection Molding Machines 2019
Netstal has been recognized as a manufacturer of the best injection molding machines for packaging applications at the Manufacturing and Packaging Awards 2019 of the Global Health and Pharma (GHP) trade publication. The Swiss injection molding specialists were selected after thorough internal research, stakeholder surveys and a final evaluation by the awards panel. The GHP panel is made up of international representatives from industry, research and journalism.

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Netstal offers perfect injection molding solutions for MED applications
"We are very honored to receive this recognition. With the all-electric machines from the ELION series and the innovative aXos control system, we offer our customers the best technology for efficient injection molding of medical packaging," says Renzo Davatz, CEO at Netstal. "We are delighted that our continuous innovation and increased focus on high-speed precision applications inside and outside the clean room are attracting increasing recognition." Numerous well-known manufacturers from medical technology and pharmaceuticals worldwide have placed their faith in injection molding solutions from Netstal. A unique operating concept, Smart Operation was introduced in 2018 and can be used to further increase the overall effectiveness of the system. The new option for the aXos control system supports a guided and safe sequence of individual operating steps in the production environment. Handling specifications, such as Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), are embedded in the control system and are reliably adhered to.

Manufacturing and Packaging Awards 2019 with over 50 categories
The market for medical packaging is still growing. GHP's Manufacturing and Packaging Awards 2019 are intended to recognize the continuous work and innovative capability of this sector. The awards program consists of over 50 categories and, according to GHP, provides the perfect platform for showcasing the excellence of an industry that generally makes a valuable contribution behind the scenes toward global health care.

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