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Aiming for steady improvement in subsequent years

Aiming for steady improvement in subsequent years

News 29.07.2022

KRAIBURG TPE Americas announces that it has achieved the Gold level in the EcoVadis sustainability rating 2022.

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"It is with great pleasure that we proudly announce that KRAIBURG TPE Americas has been awarded the Gold Certification in the EcoVadis' Corporate Sustainability Rating (CSR). This places the company, headed by Jeffrey Frankish, among the top 5% in the sector. As was the case at the Waldkraiburg site a few months ago, this assessment was conducted for the first time in Buford, GA - a great success that proves we are on the right track company-wide and globally," says KRAIBURG TPE CEO Oliver Zintner.

The EcoVadis methodology is based on international CSR standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact and ISO 26000, and covers more than 200 procurement categories, over 160 countries and 20 CSR topics.

Zintner concludes, "Praise is in order for the entire team here and in Atlanta, GA, who handled this extensive survey with flying colors and in such a short period of time! I am delighted that we can be part of this exciting development together while meeting the sustainability demands of our customers and partners."

This showcases that KRAIBURG TPE is currently certified and awarded silver and gold by EcoVadis at two of its three sites. The company is aiming for steady improvement in subsequent years.

Tags: #Materials, #TPE

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