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Second life program

Second life program

News 06.04.2023
Stork 2nd life

In the 90s, Stork IMM started a department for revision and overhaul of machines. At that time, Stork IMM was the first manufacturer of IMM’s with a re-use program. Nowadays, having a second life program is a huge contribution to a circular economy.

New Stork IMM injection moulding machines are already completely focused on sustainable use of raw materials and furthermore focus on low energy consumption. By providing a second life program in which various sustainability measures can be added to the IMM’s, Stork IMM and its customers can make an even greater contribution to the circular economy. Besides that, Stork IMM also has a use spare parts program in order to reduce waste and ensure a longer life cycle of parts.

Facts and Figures:
• 33% of Stork IMM machines get a second life
• Stork IMM upgrades used machines with a new control
• Stork IMM can upgrade used machines with an energy efficient drive system
• Stork IMM can provide an overhaul of your machine
• Stork IMM has also an used spare-parts program (Screws, barrels, E-motors, valves, hydromotors, etc)

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