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IACMI and Roctool launch strategic partnership

IACMI and Roctool launch strategic partnership

News 11.05.2017


The Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation, IACMI, a Manufacturing USA institute which works to support advanced composite technology and grow capital investment and manufacturing jobs in the U.S. composites market, welcomes RocTool as a new member and a strategic partner with a presence at its Vehicle Scale-Up Facility in the Corktown area of Detroit, Michigan.


Materials tested on Large LIT (Light induction tooling) hood.


RocTool, a technology and manufacturing solutions provider offering engineering services and systems for injection and compression molding, has offices and molding platforms in North America, Europe and Asia. RocTool’s process is used today in production for various high volumes applications and offer unmatched heating capabilities.
This new partnership combines the industry-leading processes of RocTool with IACMI’s strong emphasis on manufacturing growth and industry research and development risk mitigation and knowledge sharing. Both organizations share a vision for innovation in the world of composites and are enthusiastic about this potential partnership. IACMI CEO Bryan G. Dods said, “The partnership between RocTool and IACMI-The Composites Institute demonstrates the commitment of both organizations to providing impactful, cost-effective technology solutions to the composites manufacturing ecosystem.”
This strategic partnership directly aims for lightweighting research and collaboration with automotive OEMs on existing parts and next generation applications. The Michigan facility will be equipped with RocTool’s latest induction technologies for compression and injection molding. Support for facility infrastructure improvements to accommodate RocTool’s equipment has been provided by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) and Michigan State University (MSU).

Earlier this year, RocTool conducted a study to identify a range of resin materials that successfully use RocTool’s molding technologies to produce high-quality parts with high flow and reduced cavity pressure. The study is part of the company’s ongoing effort to further develop its HD Plastics™ material database which helps designers and converters to achieve exceptional part quality and increased performance.
RocTool CEO Mathieu Boulanger looks forward to engaging with IACMI and leveraging the knowledge from the members. He said, “Our team is currently working on different light weighting molding solutions for thermoplastic and thermoset resins.”
This strategic partnership with IACMI and working with its over one hundred and fifty members, will accelerate our developments and help us innovate with key automotive OEM and tier manufacturers in the industry.”

The Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI), managed by the Collaborative Composite Solutions Corporation (CCS), is a partnership of industry, universities, national laboratories, and federal, state and local governments working together to benefit the nation’s energy and economic security by sharing existing resources and co-investing to accelerate development and commercial deployment of advanced composites. CCS is a not-for-profit organization established by The University of Tennessee Research Foundation. The national institute is part of the Manufacturing USA network and is supported by a $70 million commitment from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office, and over $180 million committed from IACMI’s partners.

About RocTool
Created in 2000, RocTool is a Technology & Manufacturing solutions provider offering Engineering services & systems for injection molding and compression molding. Its R&D team is constantly adapting its induction technologies to more materials, in order to draw benefits such as reduced cycle times, surface quality, light-weighting, product performance, and overall cost reductions. RocTool’s latest technology: IDH - Induction Dual Heating, is a leading Heat&Cool process combining composites with overmolded plastic features, which targets major brands in innovative industries e.g. Automotive, Aerospace, Consumer Products & Electronics. RocTool technologies are already in production for injection molding and compression molding. RocTool is listed on the Alternext Paris stock market. Its headquarters and R&D center is situated at Le Bourget du Lac (France). RocTool also has offices and molding platforms in North America, Japan, Taiwan and Germany.


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