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Injection molding know-how for process optimization

Injection molding know-how for process optimization


The focus of a successful injection molding process is the understanding of the decisive influencing parameters. SIGMA Engineering aims to encourage this understanding during seminars in cooperation with DUFNER.MDT and GÜNTHER Heisskanaltechnik.The seminar participants will deal with the basic question of how the injection molding process can be made predictable in order to avoid modification loops and trial-and-error on the machine.

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SIGMA hosts seminars on “Optimization strategies in the injection molding process” all over Germany in cooperation with VDI

Injection molding tools and processes are often designed to the best of knowledge, but the produced parts do not meet the expectations and experience of previous projects. The reasons for such unforeseen behavior often lie in the specific material characteristics of plastics.

It is the goal of SIGMA Engineering GmbH to train the understanding of the background behind the injection molding process. The seminar series "Optimization strategies in the injection molding process", organized in cooperation with the VDI, exactly conveys this understanding. Its aim is to jointly develop recommendations for action in order to optimize the part, mold and process. The holistic approach of SIGMASOFT® Virtual Molding provides the basis for this goal. The seminar is divided into three sections:
• Deepening of material understanding, DUFNER.MDTGmbH,
• Interpretation of simulation results, SIGMA Engineering GmbH,
• Implementation of the simulation results into practice, GÜNTHER Heisskanaltechnik GmbH.

Duringthe seminar, participants gain a comprehensive insight into the optimization of their processes. Special emphasis is put on topics such as the determination and evaluation of process-relevant properties of thermoplastics, the use of simulation methods to correct warpage and the thermal and rheological design of molds and hot runner systems.

SIGMA CTO Dipl.-Ing. T. Gebauer is particularly pleased about the combination of three fields of specialist knowledge from the areas of material behavior (DUFNER.MDT), virtual injection molding (SIGMA) and practical application implementation with a focus on hot runner production (Günther Heisskanaltechnik)."We are very pleased to have set up this seminar series with our long-standing partners in order to be able to give interested injection molders a detailed look into the background of the injection molding process! Due to the positive feedback we hope to find further partners soon and to be able to offer international training courses promptly as we now do in cooperation with VDI", states Mr. Gebauer.

The next dates and locations for the seminars in German language are:
• 03. – 04.12.19, Bonn
• 20. – 21.04.20, Mannheim
• 28. – 29.07.20, Hamburg

They can be booked via the website of VDI-Wissensforum.

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