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Participating as Diamond Sponsor

Participating as Diamond Sponsor

News 11.03.2022

The Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) will be holding its annual conference April 3-7 in Chicago, Illinois, offering additive manufacturing professionals from around the world the opportunity to network and learn. Nexa3D will be among the companies at the conference, ready to share ultrafast, reliable technology with attendees.


Nexa3D is proud to be a Diamond Sponsor for this year’s AMUG Conference and to share our expertise through multiple presentations.

Nexa3D will be showcasing 3D printers including the currently shipping NXE 400 industrial 3D printer and NXD 200 dental 3D printer, plus the upcoming XiP desktop printer. Information and sample parts will also be available for the QLS 350 thermoplastic 3D printer, set to hit the market later in 2022. Attendees who stop by can also learn about NexaX software, as well as xWash and xCure post-processing technology.

Nexa3D team is excited to meet with attendees and to showcase their technology. Nexa3D is ready to connect with AMUG members about 3D printing solutions and share real-world experiences from the users who know them best.

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