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Dowel pins with new fit now easier to assemble

Dowel pins with new fit now easier to assemble

News 09.11.2023
Z23 Z24 Presse 18x13

Dowel pins are used for fixing or positioning when connecting components in the mould or fixture construction.

The new HASCO dowel pins Z23/… and Z24/… made of hardened tool steel 1.3505 are, thanks to the new outer tolerance h6, easy to assemble and disassemble. With the fine sliding fit h6/H7, the pins are in the range of the standard mould-building tolerance.

Especially for use in blind holes, the dowel pins Z24/... with an internal thread are ideal. A slightly ground surface allows air to escape during assembly so that no compressed air can build up in the blind hole. The internal thread offers the possibility of easy removal from the hole.

EMP25 Plastiks smartmolding 368x90 EN

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