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Wittmann Battenfeld to hold open house at Torrington plant in October

Wittmann Battenfeld to hold open house at Torrington plant in October

News 20.09.2016


Wittmann Battenfeld USA, in association with more than 20 partner companies, is pulling out all the stops for the 2016 Open House and Innovations Workshop, October 5 and 6, at its Torrington, CT, headquarters. The event is designed to showcase Wittmann Battenfeld’s increased capabilities; a series of presentations and displays done in conjunction with partner companies will add to the educational and networking opportunities at the event. Visitors also will be taken on facility tours including the new Material Handling & Auxiliaries building.

Advances in Industry 4.0–related technology will be a special focus, according to Wittmann Battenfeld, which promises live demos of its Wittmann 4.0 at many of the eight operating work cells and 16 other demonstrations and displays during the open house.

The work cells on display include the following:

  • A W821 linear robot transferring beach blanket anchors from a SmartPower 60/130 machine to a vertical 110/210 for over-molding. Also at this cell is a Telesis engraving area with a W843 robot with Servo B technology and an RJG E-Dart with full Wittmann 4.0 on board.
  • A MicroPower 15/10 with a new hot-runner technology for micro and nano parts.
  • An Insider EcoPower 160/750 using a mold from Hasco to produce an insulin pen cap, with a fully integrated robot and conveyor belt and full Wittmann 4.0 on board.
  • An EcoPower 160/350 with integrated hydraulic unit, combined with a Babyplast injection unit for the TPE shot. It will use a mold from Boucherie and an integrated Gammaflux hot-runner controller to mold a two-component syringe plunger. A fully-integrated top entry W818 robot will remove the part in record time. Full Wittmann 4.0 is on board, as well.
  • A MacroPower 850/8800 two-platen hydraulic molding machine that will produce a 1280-mm automotive spoiler with a mold featuring five servo-valve gates and several cavity pressure sensors. The machine is equipped with Wittmann 4.0, complete HiQ packages, an integrated Gammaflux hot-runner controller, FlowCon Plus automatic water flow control, a W843 robot with A/C Servo and an indexing conveyor with its built-in R8.3 Controls.
  • A special cleanroom EcoPower 110/350 SE molding pipettes using a mold from Incoe featuring a W823 Clean Room Robot and integrated hot-runner controller from Gammaflux.
  • A MicroPower 15/10 using a mold from M.R. Mold to produce 2-mm tear duct plugs with liquid silicon rubber.
  • A full Wittmann 4.0 demonstration on a SmartPower 120/525 Insider in plant 2.

Each molding cell features integrated Wittmann Battenfeld robots and auxiliary equipment including dryers, blenders, loaders, temperature control units, granulators and material handling equipment.

Wittmann Battenfeld material handling and auxiliary equipment, including Gravilog blender networking and frequency-drive central dryers, will be on display and demonstrated in its new 50,000-square-foot building.


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